People First Podcast

7 Habits to Stronger Relationships

September 11, 2023 Jonathan Cinelli
7 Habits to Stronger Relationships
People First Podcast
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People First Podcast
7 Habits to Stronger Relationships
Sep 11, 2023
Jonathan Cinelli

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7 Habits which can help to elevate + amplify any relationship.

Turmerix- The root of all good- My secret weapon for inflammation, immunity support + recovery.

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Keynote speaker, Consultant, Trainer + Performance Coach:
Author:  Kick Your Ego aside and Put People First
Education: ProjectBites

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7 Habits which can help to elevate + amplify any relationship.

Turmerix- The root of all good- My secret weapon for inflammation, immunity support + recovery.

Turmerix Discount code: PEOPLEFIRST



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Keynote speaker, Consultant, Trainer + Performance Coach:
Author:  Kick Your Ego aside and Put People First
Education: ProjectBites

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Relationships are everything. They're everywhere in life. They're a part of everything we do. And that's why today we're going to deep dive into. Seven habits to stronger relationships. What can we do to foster? The right foundations and build upon those foundations to create. Tremendously dynamic. Relationships. That's the question we all want to know. So here, we're going to take you through a few. Steps. That you can implement right away and create awareness. That's what it's about is. Awareness, like we're not talking about. Being perfect. All of the we're human beings, we screw up more times than not. It's not about limiting the screw-ups. It's about creating the recovery systems. To a later show up better the next time. Welcome to another episode people first, then construction Jonathan Sinhala. Thanks for making time and space to be here today. Really fun, really exciting relationships. How we show up for others. Is one of the greatest gifts we can offer. And showing up for others begins with. Being true to ourselves, looking after ourselves first. And I want to pivot right into. The sponsor for today's episode tumor X, if talked about tumor X so many times in the past. Stronger immunity, reduced inflammation. Reduced joint pain. Better overall health and wellness. This is a secret weapon for me. It is magical. Link will be in the show notes. Use code people first, all in capitals for$10 discount and free shipping. tumor X, the root of all good. Code people first, all in capitals. Save yourself a few bucks. All right. All right. All right. Let's get right into this seven habits to stronger relationships. Number one. Connect more stop keeping score. What the hell does that really mean? Look. We all come into relationships. With Conceived. Ideologies and notions on what we expect each person to do within that relationship. And. That leads to a game of score-keeping. We can become annoyed, resentful when things sort of fall short of those expectations and we consciously or subconsciously. Keep scoring our heads. I did this. So you should do this. I'm winning the game. And you owe me one and man is that energy second, So, if you do one thing within your relationships, Stop keeping score, show up the way you choose to be shown to show up. And. Actually be there. We've typed it in the past. You know, the greatest thing about life is giving to give. And do it wholeheartedly and do it without anything expected in return. Number two. Be honest, it sounds so simple. And so cliche and yet it is so magical. Oh, look, we have a saying in our household is honesty gets rewarded and that really gets down to, if you're honest about what happens, we can support you through anything. You not agree with the approach. I mean, I'd always agree with your thought process. Ideologies and that's on me to sort through. So show up with honesty. No happy people are dishonest and no happy relationships consists of unhappy people. Be honest about shit. The best thing you can say is I made a mistake. I'm sorry. I screwed up. And then go to recovery mode and fix it. I get better for next time. Number three. Take a temperature reading on mood. You know, this is like the Jerry Maguire of mood. Sometimes you got to flip the script, throw the table upside down and just give things a little shake. But before you do that, you need to have a true temperature. You know, what's really going on. We all have. Good and bad moments through. Oh, The day. When you approach somebody and you know that they're a little bit off, become curious, checking with them, support them. Be there to uplift each other's mood. And help bring the light hardiness into the equation sometimes, a little bit of lighthearted jokingness can really. Elevate amplify and change the game for things. And no one to stop. 10 times we pushed too far. Number four actively listen, like. Give a shit about the person there become curious. And becomes so easy to be wrapped up in our own heads, our own problems. You know, our own agendas. Day-to-day stuff is so overwhelming. We call it the daily grind. And when you choose to show up an actively, listen, and truly be present, not distracted. My goodness. Does that foster great relationships. When you show up wholeheartedly. For the person in front of you, you dig for, what's not being said, you actually learn. And when you learn what's going on in their world. Wow. Could that change perspective? Think of a scenario where. He actually showed up and you were actually listening to what was going on rather than volleying back and forth information waiting for your time to talk and see how things changed for you. Take a different way. Think of a different approach when. Yelling was involved. Does anything land on you? The answer is no. It's emotionally charged. Yeah, we all do it. Like I'm not here to tell you that I'm perfect, man. I've had some pretty weak moments. Especially in the past couple of weeks, whether that be professionally, personally or recreationally and. It's not about not screwing up. It's about recovery. It's about recovering and when I've screwed up, I've had the awareness. To go back and say, you are attempting to tell me something in a truly wasn't there for you and my reaction. Didn't serve. Well, it wasn't fair to you. What's on your mind. the simplest thing is actively listen. Define what that means to you. Write that down. And do it. The next thing is city example set the boundaries. This is what's acceptable. This is what's not. It's really easy to turn to somebody and say, you know, You don't listen to me. You don't listen to me. You don't listen to B and then when they turn around and talk, you're not there. You're not listening to them or you don't demonstrate. Love. And compassion. And if you're not demonstrating that love and compassion. Then how would you expect it to come back to you? Sometimes we can look externally for the validation to say, you must fill my bucket. I'm expecting you to do this. The old leadership example, don't ask somebody to do something you're not willing to do yourself. So set the example set the expectations, creed, the boundaries. Number six every once in a while. It's okay to be a pain in the ass some times. Trying to compete with the other person lightheartedly every once in a while is not a bad thing. Look, our brains like certainty and. If life was certain all of the time and there was no variety, man, would we get bored? That's why sometimes it is. Okay. To be a pain in the ass. Well being respectfully fun about it. Be playful. If you're always in agreement and never challenged other. It takes the humanity out of the relationship. You're simply a robot. Creating tasks back and forth. So every once in a while, A little bit of resistance. Be a pain in the ass every once in awhile and be respectful about it. This is dramatically different than being an asshole. It's not okay to be an asshole. It's okay to be a pain in the ass. And there is a real distinction between the two. I would say the number one thing for me is to be kind, look, we hear that all over the place. Like it's just this. Fluffy word, it gets overused. And when you dig into what kindness is for you. And you show up that way. My gosh. Does it change things? Ask yourself, how am I being kind in this situation? Is what I'm thinking helpful or harmful. Are my thoughts serving well right now, It takes the awareness. Again, look, we all have breaking points where there's signs while we're not crying. It's the recovery, clean it up, clean it up fast. As you do so. You're going to become more resilient. Stay honest and true to who you are and act in alignment to your values. Sometimes what people really want to speak acknowledged and cared for. Kind words, kind, habits, kind gestures. Help foster that environment support that. Increase the experiences. Let's stick with people. ELO moments. Those are the places where your mind goes to. Anyhow. Seven key things. Connect more. Stop keeping score. Be honest. Take a temperature reading on the mood and flip the script if necessary. Actually listen, show the hell up because you care. Set the example. Create the boundaries. Be a pain in the ass sometimes. Not an asshole. And. Be kind. Look, thanks for being here to the end. I hope this was a value to you. Have you got something out of it? If that's the case, subscribe to the show, pass the message on. And keep. The show going. Thanks until we connect again. Next time. Do something great.